21 December 2013

A Winter Solstice Butterfly

Red Admiral Butterfly

Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and here is a surprise, a winter butterfly! A Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta)

5 December 2013

Candles for Christmas 2013

WOKING CUSTOMERS ONLY! Now is the time to order your handmade candles for this Christmas.

Pure Beeswax Candles for Christmas 2013
1 x 19cm Pure Beeswax Candle Pair, £7.50
All are made with 100% pure beeswax from my own bees in Woking and near the Devil's Punch Bowl.
Pure beeswax candles make a lovely gift, but why not have a jar of Woking honey too?
Delivery is free for customers in Woking, or you may collect.
Call Marion, the beekeeper on 01932 349828 or visit my Candle Shop to see candles for mail order.

27 October 2013

National Honey Show 2013

Marion Malcher is presented with the Silver Jubilee Bowl at the National Honey Show by Dr David Aston, Chairman of the British Beekeepers' Association.
Silver Jubilee Bowl Presentation, National Honey Show 2013

The Silver Jubilee Bowl is awarded for beeswax in Class 150 of the National Honey Show.

20 October 2013

A beautiful Rosemary Beetle (Chrysolina americana)

Whilst delighted to find this jewel like beetle in my garden, I was less pleased when I discovered she will be eating my rosemary and lavender bushes.
Rosemary Beetle, photo M.Malcher

28 September 2013


Water?  here in modern Britain, apart from the occasional hosepipe ban in an exceptional summer, all we have to do is turn on the tap. But how can we be sure it will always be as easy as that?

21 September 2013

Good News for Red Squirrels

Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel by Paul Whippey
The Red Squirrel is the native squirrel of the British Isles, the American Grey Squirrel was only introduced in the 1870's. Sadly, the two kinds of squirrels do not co-exist and Britain's Red Squirrels have declined greatly in number, but there has been some good news in recent days..

16 September 2013

Planting Bulbs for Bees

Honeybee on Crocus

What could be nicer than planting bulbs to bring a splash of colour in the Spring? and the bees will appreciate the flowers too!
Older people living in more than 150 of Anchor Care's retirement properties and care homes are planting bulbs as part of their Bee Friendly national campaign over the next six weeks. I was delighted to be invited to help launch their campaign at West Hall, West Byfleet in Surrey.
Anchor's Bee Friendly Campaign Launch at West Hall, West Byfleet
Bee Friendly Launch at West Hall

What bulbs will you choose?

6 September 2013

Mating flight of the Queen bee

Film director Markus Imhoof used mini-helicopters and high-speed cameras to film a princess mating on the wing.

13 August 2013

Harpella forcifella

A very rare moth in Britain makes an appearance in Kent.
Photo : Accipter, courtesy of Wikipedia

Mr Ross Newnham, a volunteer with the Kent Wildlife Trust, discovered a Harpella forcifella moth on the Holborough Marshes Nature Reserve near Snodland.   (Source: Kent Messenger)

This European moth which has only been recorded four times in Britain to date, is quite common in Belgium.

24 July 2013

A Grey Seal

The wild Cornish coast is home to Grey Seals, like this one, or perhaps it's a Selkie?

16 July 2013

The Yeoman Archer

Mr Messett of the Yeoman Archers showed visitors to Woking Palace how Agincourt was won!
The longbow here was made by the archer himself.
The Yeoman Archers are a not for profit group who raise money for the Armed Forces.

11 July 2013

Nectar Gatherers in Old Hall Copse

The brambles are out and providing rich nectar for bees and butterflies

1 June 2013

A Silver Spoon

These bees had landed in an oak sapling.
According to the traditional rhyme "a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon"

26 May 2013

Black Headed Cardinal Beetle

The Black-headed Cardinal Beetle, Pyrochroa coccinea found enjoying the Woking sunshine..

8 May 2013

21 April 2013

18 April 2013

Vespa velutina nigrithorax

This beautiful creature, the Asian Hornet, is a predator of honeybees ...

5 February 2013

The Bee Photographer

Beautiful and informative pictures of honeybees taken by photographer Eric Tournaret

30 January 2013

Early forage

It will not be long before the bees find the first pollen and nectar of the New Year.

28 January 2013

In every beginning...

In every beginning is the ending.
And in every ending is the beginning.