28 September 2013


Water?  here in modern Britain, apart from the occasional hosepipe ban in an exceptional summer, all we have to do is turn on the tap. But how can we be sure it will always be as easy as that?

21 September 2013

Good News for Red Squirrels

Red Squirrel
Red Squirrel by Paul Whippey
The Red Squirrel is the native squirrel of the British Isles, the American Grey Squirrel was only introduced in the 1870's. Sadly, the two kinds of squirrels do not co-exist and Britain's Red Squirrels have declined greatly in number, but there has been some good news in recent days..

16 September 2013

Planting Bulbs for Bees

Honeybee on Crocus

What could be nicer than planting bulbs to bring a splash of colour in the Spring? and the bees will appreciate the flowers too!
Older people living in more than 150 of Anchor Care's retirement properties and care homes are planting bulbs as part of their Bee Friendly national campaign over the next six weeks. I was delighted to be invited to help launch their campaign at West Hall, West Byfleet in Surrey.
Anchor's Bee Friendly Campaign Launch at West Hall, West Byfleet
Bee Friendly Launch at West Hall

What bulbs will you choose?

6 September 2013

Mating flight of the Queen bee

Film director Markus Imhoof used mini-helicopters and high-speed cameras to film a princess mating on the wing.